Distribuciones Generalife

Design of an Eco-Sustainable Home

Products and Habits

Commitment to the Environment

  • Every November 1st, World Ecology Day is celebrated, advocating for sustainable practices that contribute to better preservation of the natural environment. In our industry, there are many types of materials that may or may not have a high impact on the environment, depending on their manufacturing process, maintenance, or disposal.

At Distribuciones Generalife, we work on incorporating different types of materials that respect the environment. Having a sustainable home involves reducing environmental damage to the planet and minimizing harmful effects on your health.

Currently, there are countless water-saving elements that guarantee comfort and functionality in the shower. Water, energy, and the materials that make up our homes influence the balance of the ecosystem.

Conventional homes are not usually equipped to save the maximum amount of water possible or minimize electricity consumption. This is compounded by user practices that waste water.

For example, when the shower lasts more than 15 minutes or you brush your teeth with the tap open, you are not contributing to creating a sustainable home and minimizing the ecological footprint.

At Distribuciones Generalife, we offer some tips to create an ecological and sustainable home that helps preserve the environment and your health.


An Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Home
Comprometidos con la conservación del medio ambiente y de tu salud

Our range of items, including LED mirrors, minimizes energy consumption, as they eliminate the need to turn on the standard light in your bathroom or bedroom, and they are also energy-efficient. Other advantages include the longer lifespan of LED bulbs and the fact that they contain no mercury, resulting in much less environmental pollution.

This type of faucets also minimizes water consumption as they can be automatically closed or shut off more efficiently without continuous dripping.

They are dual-flush toilets that empty the entire tank to dispose of solids and only half the tank for liquids.

This practice represents a significant water savings.

They are made from renewable resources such as clay or sand. Additionally, these products often have a very long lifespan, which means they do not have to be discarded and replaced for decades. This significantly reduces environmental impact. On the other hand, when porcelain products are removed for replacement, there is the possibility of recycling them to manufacture new ceramic products, thereby reducing waste generation and, consequently, the ecological footprint.

Try to have them always close to the bathroom. The reason is that the less time it takes for hot water to reach the bathroom from the water heater, the less energy consumption you will have in your home.

Save Water

State-of-the-Art Faucets for Efficient Consumption
And remember, nearly 50% of your home's water consumption comes from the shower, sink, and basin. Therefore, having state-of-the-art faucets will result in significant savings on your water bill. Achieving efficient consumption means reducing water expenditure per person per day to 95 liters.
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